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Regular workwear

Workwear value chain: Your contribution is needed to keep the frontline men and women protected

The coronavirus crisis affects all industries, ranging from a complete stand-still like we see with many bars, restaurants, social events and sports...

Arc flash hazards and the importance of wearing your PPE clothing the right way

Industrial Safety industries

Arc Flash Hazard: Are you wearing protective garments the wrong way?

The fiery split-second in which an arc flash explosion occurs is the moment of truth: how well is the electrical worker defended from injury by his protective...

Sustainable workwear throughout the value chain; Fristads' Fusion Green Collection says it all

Regular workwear

Proving sustainability throughout the value chain: Fristads’ Fusion Green collection

Think of sustainability as a snowball, gaining impact and momentum as it moves through the value chain from unprocessed materials to finished garments. Each...


Fire Service industry

Trends for firefighters: red, more than just a popular colour

If you watch the news, you’ve seen them often in recent years. Red-clad French firefighters have been present on the scene after the attacks on Charlie Hebdo,...


Fire Service industry

How damaging are ashes and smoke for firefighters?

An important subject of debate in the firefighter community is the connection between particle contamination of ashes or smoke and a higher cancer rate amongst...

7 Steps to conduct a risk assessment for the best ppe clothing

Wearing comfort

How to conduct a risk assessment in 7 steps

The most important question that needs to be answered when selecting new protective clothing is the following: which risks are your workers exposed to and what...


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man holding tablet

Industrial Safety industries

Protecting people against electrical discharge: Anti-static or ESD?


Regular workwear

Sustainability in workwear: What does it mean?

Being sustainable starts with becoming more sensible to decreasing your personal environmental impact. In today’s world, not incorporating sustainability in...

tender improvements

Industrial Safety industries

3 Ways to improve your tender process and (over)achieve your protective clothing results

Every 3 to 5 years, most companies start a new tender process in order to renew their protective clothing. As there are many elements to take into account –...

Differences between regular workwear and protective workwear

Industrial Safety industries

Regular Workwear vs Protective Clothing: why should you care?

A while back, I had an appointment with a Health and Safety manager from a company in the metal industry. Many of his colleagues are involved in activities...