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Health and safety manager reviewing protective clothing norms for compliance

Industrial Safety industries

Today’s PPE clothing norms: Quick guide for safety compliance

As PPE fabric experts, we often receive this question from HSE managers: "How can I ensure the protective clothing meets the right safety norms?" With so many...

sad fireman

Standards & norms

Today’s dilemma for firefighters: norms & restrictions vs real-world needs

Over the past few years, I have been in conversation with different brigades around the fears and challenges they face in their workplace. This has given me a...

PPE clothing regulations and sustainability goals

Metal & Steel industry

Can protective clothing regulations work hand-in-hand with sustainability?

As a protective fabric manufacturer, there are certain norms - or regulations - that we must adhere to in the production of our fabrics. The fabrics and...

Protective clothing might feel like an insurance but it's a necessity

Industrial Safety industries

Protective Clothing - Not Just an Insurance but a Necessity

It might sound like a strange comparison, but protective clothing and insurance in fact have several things in common. And when all goes well, you don’t need...

EN ISO 11611

Industrial Safety industries

EN ISO 11611: What you should know about this welding safety norm

With so many safety norms in the steel and metal industry, it can be challenging to find out which standards actually apply to you. In this blog, we take a...

Steel and metal norms in one guide for HSE managers

Metal & Steel industry

Steel & Metal Norms 101: An Essential Guide for H&S Managers

Steel and metal can be a dangerous industry to work in, but how aware are you of the exact risk areas and corresponding norms which your protective clothing...


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Steps that help to select your protective workwear

Wearing comfort

6 Steps to Selecting the Best Protective Workwear: a Quick Guide to Acing Your Next Tender

You’ve just heard the news: it’s time to select new protective workwear for your company. But as a busy Health & Safety Manager, where do you begin? Here’s our...

Ways to improve your workwear's' chemical splash repellency

Industrial Safety industries

8 ways to improve your protective workwear’s chemical splash repellency

Hard-working by nature, multi-risk industrial safety garments protect their wearers from a host of risks on the job. One of the most common is chemical splash....

Arc flash hazards and the importance of wearing your PPE clothing the right way

Industrial Safety industries

Arc Flash Hazard: Are you wearing protective garments the wrong way?

The fiery split-second in which an arc flash explosion occurs is the moment of truth: how well is the electrical worker defended from injury by his protective...

7 Steps to conduct a risk assessment for the best ppe clothing

Wearing comfort

How to conduct a risk assessment in 7 steps

The most important question that needs to be answered when selecting new protective clothing is the following: which risks are your workers exposed to and what...