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Have questions about our products? Get in touch with one of our industry experts.

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Innovative durable FR stretch fabrics in PPE: XLANCE® and Tecasafe® 360+

Wearing comfort

Innovative durable FR stretch fabrics in PPE: XLANCE® and Tecasafe® 360+

The introduction of FR stretch fabrics into the industrial safety market is relatively new. Most solutions are not suitable for the market as they lack...



Get ready for PBI® Peak5®: the ultimate performance in firefighting gear

At TenCate Protective Fabrics, we’re thrilled to be launching PBI® Peak5®: an innovative new outer shell fabric. PBI® Peak5® is sure to be a game-changer for...

Global trends stationwear

Wearing comfort

The future of station wear: global trends to watch

From Europe to North America, fire service industries globally are seeing some exciting developments in station wear trends that bode well for the future...


Wearing comfort

Stretching the limits: Tecasafe® 360+ redefines workwear comfort

Innovations over the last several years have pushed the limits of protective workwear comfort to a whole new level—and now we’re stretching them even further....

Exploring the current trend of protective fabrics become lighter weight

Wearing comfort

Behind the trend: why protective fabrics are going lighter and lighter

Industrial safety workers are longing for lighter fabrics due to the improved comfort they offer. Global warming, alongside warm, long summers, have...


Wearing comfort

Protection and sustainability: are you ready for the best of both worlds?

At TenCate Protective Fabrics, we’re gearing up to launch a new fabric that will revolutionise the future of protective workwear. While we can’t give away too...


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Comfortable protective clothing during summertime

Wearing comfort

Protective clothing during summertime

The summer has arrived in Europe. As a result many factories are heating up inside, especially those where machinery and production processes already produce a...

Characteristics of comfortable fabrics for safety wear in metal and steel industry

Wearing comfort

4 key characteristics of comfortable fabrics in the metal and steel industry

It’s no secret that protective clothing in the metal and steel industry often scores low on comfort and wearability. Do you want to make working in a high-risk...


Wearing comfort

Inherent FR or FR treated: which protective fabric is more comfortable?

There’s a delicate balance to find when selecting FR protective workwear: your garments need to meet high safety standards, but also provide maximum comfort to...

A Protective Clothing Audit helps in your selection process and boost employee satisfaction

Wearing comfort

5 ways a protective clothing audit will boost employee satisfaction

Did you know that a happy employee is a safe employee? Fewer accidents and injuries occur when employees feel personally invested in contributing to a strong...