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Ways to improve your workwear's' chemical splash repellency

Industrial Safety industries

8 ways to improve your protective workwear’s chemical splash repellency

Hard-working by nature, multi-risk industrial safety garments protect their wearers from a host of risks on the job. One of the most common is chemical splash....


Industrial Safety industries

How incorrect laundering can make your FR garment burn

Quite often, we receive the following question: can FR properties in protective clothing be washed off? The answer is no - flame retardant (FR) properties...

Innovations and trends in protective fabrics

Inside our company

Keeping innovation front and centre

At TenCate Protective Fabrics, our Innovation teams turn change into a driving force for new product solutions. In this blog, we'll share four key strategies...


Fire Service industry

3 reasons to professionally outsource fire suit washing, drying, & maintenance

You’d be surprised to learn just how many fire stations launder their fire suits in-house. It might seem harmless, but laundering your suits without proper...

Supply chain meeting

Inside our company

Lessons for COVID-19 from 20 years in supply chain management

At TenCate Protective Fabrics, we are proud to be part of a larger protective clothing value chain. As VP of Global Supply Chain, it’s my job to maintain...


Fire Service industry

Suiting up with new end-user focused emergency response solutions

You’ve probably noticed it, too: the world is starting up again, with the industries most affected by COVID-19 slowly beginning to recover. At TenCate...


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Fire Service industry

The firefighter suit: understanding the layers of protection

We all know what a hero looks like. In the news, firefighters make a striking appearance confronting scenarios that exceed our worst nightmares. Today we take...

Technical rescue

Fire Service industry

Trends for firefighters: comfort vs. protection

Off-duty, you can find them in activewear. On-duty, firefighters are more focused than ever on the comfort level, looks, and design of their fire fighting...

Fabric solutions COVID-19 protection

Regular workwear

Overview of fabric solutions for COVID-19 protection

More than ever, personal protection is needed for medical staff to ensure they are more protected while working within coronavirus risk environments. We've...

protective masks


Why the supply of medical masks is not a ‘quick fix’

While medical mouth masks are extremely important for medical staff to ensure they are protected while taking care of COVID-19 infected patients, a lot of...