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Zero injuries

Metal & Steel industry

8 Safety Best Practices to Make Zero Injuries a Reality

Zero injuries is the dream of every Health & Safety Manager, but how can your protective workwear contribute to the strong safety culture that will help get...

In the steel and metal industry comfortable protective clothing is key

Wearing comfort

Why comfortable protective clothing is the secret to steel & metal safety

What’s more important: safety compliance or the comfort of your workers? Trick question! If people don’t feel comfortable in their protective workwear, they’re...

Warm or cold; climate-specific workwear is becoming more popular

Industrial Safety industries

Why climate-specific protective workwear is heating up in popularity

Here’s a question: have you ever put yourself in your workers’ shoes, or rather, in their protective workwear? As a busy Health & Safety Manager, it’s easy to...

Steps that help to select your protective workwear

Wearing comfort

6 Steps to Selecting the Best Protective Workwear: a Quick Guide to Acing Your Next Tender

You’ve just heard the news: it’s time to select new protective workwear for your company. But as a busy Health & Safety Manager, where do you begin? Here’s our...


Wearing comfort

3 reasons why your protective workwear fabric choice and garment design should go hand in hand

Have you noticed the softer and more comfortable protective fabric solutions entering the market recently? While the new textile technology has been embraced,...

Purchasing tips when selecting protective clothing solutions

Regular workwear

From cost to value: how to shift your purchasing focus for the best protective workwear

There’s no doubt about it, the bottom line is important when you’re considering a regional or global roll-out of new protective clothing. While it may be...


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Sustainability is speeding up in the PPE industry


Speeding up sustainability

We’ve reached an inflection point with sustainability. Or maybe we should call it a reflection point? 2020 has been a wake-up call for many of us, thanks to...


Fire Service industry

Peeling back the fire suit “onion”, layer #3: the thermal barrier

We’ve made it. In the third and final blog in our series investigating the design and function of each part of the fire suit assembly, we peel back the “onion”...


Fire Service industry

Peeling back the fire suit “onion”, layer #2: the moisture barrier

In our second deep-dive into the fire suit assembly, we peel back the “onion” past the outer shell to examine the design and function of the middle layer: the...


Fire Service industry

Peeling back the fire suit “onion”, layer #1: the outer shell

When it comes to firefighter suit assembly, there’s much more than what meets the eye. It’s a surprisingly complex piece of personal protective equipment...