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Have questions about our products? Get in touch with one of our industry experts.

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Why work with TenCate Protective Fabrics - read it from our customers

Inside our company

7 reasons why customers choose TenCate Protective Fabrics (in their own words)

You’ve got a lot of options when it comes to choosing a protective fabrics supplier: It’s a saturated market! So why would you partner with TenCate Protective...

Characteristics of comfortable fabrics for safety wear in metal and steel industry

Wearing comfort

4 key characteristics of comfortable fabrics in the metal and steel industry

It’s no secret that protective clothing in the metal and steel industry often scores low on comfort and wearability. Do you want to make working in a high-risk...


Fire Service industry

Cancer is breaching the firefighters’ world

Recently I had the opportunity to attend the Multidisciplinary International Conference on Cancer in the Fire Services that took place online on February 4th:...

Improve your stakeholder buy-in for your protective clothing tender

Industrial Safety industries

6 keys to getting stakeholder buy-in for your protective clothing tender

Imagine this: the end of your protective clothing tender process is finally in sight, when suddenly the timeline stalls. Your stakeholders all have different...

EN ISO 11611

Industrial Safety industries

EN ISO 11611: What you should know about this welding safety norm

With so many safety norms in the steel and metal industry, it can be challenging to find out which standards actually apply to you. In this blog, we take a...


Wearing comfort

Inherent FR or FR treated: which protective fabric is more comfortable?

There’s a delicate balance to find when selecting FR protective workwear: your garments need to meet high safety standards, but also provide maximum comfort to...


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Why it is important to speak directly to your fabric supplier

Industrial Safety industries

4 big wins you’ll gain from talking with a protective fabric supplier

In the lead up to selecting new protective clothing, are you struggling to find objective information on solutions in the market? Industrial laundries and...

Why asking feedback from your colleagues will help for a better safety culture

Industrial Safety industries

Do you ask your employees for feedback on their protective clothing?

It’s that time again: you’ve got a new protective clothing tender coming up. Do you copy-paste everything from the last tender 10 years ago? Or do you jump on...


Industrial Safety industries

How much does FR protective fabrics cost? The process behind the price tag

Perhaps you’re looking for a quick way to compare prices, or a guide to navigate protective fabrics costs. Pricing can be a bit of a mystery — what exactly are...

A Protective Clothing Audit helps in your selection process and boost employee satisfaction

Wearing comfort

5 ways a protective clothing audit will boost employee satisfaction

Did you know that a happy employee is a safe employee? Fewer accidents and injuries occur when employees feel personally invested in contributing to a strong...