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Hyperinflation effect protective clothing industry


Hyperinflation in the protective clothing industry: here to stay

We are now several months down the road since I wrote my first blog about hyperinflation. In the past year, a number of different elements have led to price...


Industrial Safety industries

What are the most popular sustainable fabrics currently available on the market?

As industries across the globe search for ways to improve their ecological footprint, you may be wondering what sustainable fabric options are available. When...

Industrial Safety industries

Personal selling vs. online selling in B2B

When you are in a B2B sales management role, you are bombarded by all kinds of companies that can help you with how to become “great at digital selling”. All...

resistant or retardant

Metal & Steel industry

Flame-retardant and flame-resistant fabrics: what’s the difference?

There is a lot of confusion between fabric that is seen as flame-resistant or flame-retardant. While these two phrases sound similar, their meaning is quite...

Industrial Safety industries

Protective clothing as a secondary employee benefit

There’s no way around it: the past months have been extremely tough for many industries. Covid-19 has seen many skilled workers laid off, leading to a shortage...



Design for the Environment; a guiding principle for product innovation

As the market leader for sustainable protective fabric solutions, we feel responsible to help our entire industry reduce its ecological footprint. To do this,...


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What sustainable fibres are available on the textile market?

As a health and safety manager, we understand that your employees’ safety and comfort are your priority. When it comes to selecting the right protective...

sad fireman

Standards & norms

Today’s dilemma for firefighters: norms & restrictions vs real-world needs

Over the past few years, I have been in conversation with different brigades around the fears and challenges they face in their workplace. This has given me a...

Industrial Safety industries

Hyperinflation in the protective clothing industry

Every industry across the world is currently faced with price increases. Many nations report high inflation numbers and this is not expected to change anytime...


Regular workwear

The rise of recycled polyester fibres in the production of sustainable protective clothing

What is recycled polyester? Recycled polyester fibres extracted from recycled plastic bottles (PET) are being increasingly used in fabric manufacturing. What...