Industrial Safety industries The impact of hyperinflation on working capital and cashflow in the protective clothing industry When it comes to supply chains in the protective clothing industry, we are facing unprecedented challenges. As we open back up post-pandemic, we face new... Read more Industrial Safety industries The effects of globalisation on the protective clothing industry In recent times, globalisation has become a trend across many industries and companies across the world. It has taken shape across the protective clothing... Read more News How hyperinflation in the supply chain affects the protective clothing industry At present, many industries are facing huge challenges in their supply chains. Around the world, there is an imbalance between supply and demand. The... Read more News Choosing the right FR-fabrics made simple: meet the Fabric Selector If we could grant Health & Safety Managers a wish when it comes to the selection process of protective clothing, we often hear that it would be great if... Read more Industrial Safety industries The four global trends that affect the protective clothing industry The world around us is developing at a rapid pace, and these changes have a great impact on how we operate our businesses. We must continuously assess external... Read more Industrial Safety industries Transparency and price increases: how clear communication opens up the protective clothing industry Transparency has become a global trend which benefits businesses across numerous fields. The online world — which provides consumers with easy access to... Read more Newsletter Receive the latest updates in your mail Industrial Safety industries Our first international platinum award for the virtual launch of Tecapro® Ecogreen We’re excited to win the International Platinum AVA Digital Awards for the virtual launch experience that we developed for Tecapro® Ecogreen: the world’s... Read more News Hyperinflation in the protective clothing industry: here to stay We are now several months down the road since I wrote my first blog about hyperinflation. In the past year, a number of different elements have led to price... Read more Industrial Safety industries What are the most popular sustainable fabrics currently available on the market? As industries across the globe search for ways to improve their ecological footprint, you may be wondering what sustainable fabric options are available. When... Read more Industrial Safety industries Personal selling vs. online selling in B2B When you are in a B2B sales management role, you are bombarded by all kinds of companies that can help you with how to become “great at digital selling”. All... Read more