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Sustainability - 1 min read - 27 August 2024

Building momentum: our 2023 Global Sustainability Report

We’re excited to share the latest milestone on our sustainability journey—the release of our 2023 Global Sustainability Report (GSR). Our second sustainability report compiled on a global scale, 2023’s GSR tells the story of what we accomplished in our journey toward continuous improvement in sustainability practices.

Key highlights from the 2023 report

2023 was a year of building momentum for our sustainability programs. Some key highlights of this year’s report include :

  • Double Materiality Assessment (DMA):
    In 2023, we undertook a comprehensive Double Materiality Assessment (DMA). This crucial evaluation is in direct preparation of the upcoming Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) – a required reporting mandate  that will take full effect in the European Union in 2025. A wide-reaching and detailed survey, our DMA aims to accurately size our impact on the environment and society. Additionally, it puts into perspective the influence of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) matters surrounding our business.  By considering both perspectives, we seek to ensure a holistic approach to sustainability, preparing for CSRD in 2025 and beyond.

  • Expansion of the Ecogreen® Line: 
    Our Ecogreen® line continues to set the standard for combining environmental responsibility with high performance. In 2023, we partnered with UZ Ghent , one of Belgium's largest university hospitals, to provide Tecawork® Ecogreen® for its 4,000 healthcare workers. This collaboration represents a broader industry shift towards sustainable workwear, highlighting the growing demand for environmentally viable solutions. Additionally, partnerships with leading industrial laundries like CWS and Elis have expanded the reach of our sustainable fabrics across Europe.

  • Energy efficiency and waste management initiatives:
    At the production level, significant energy-saving measures were implemented at our Nijverdal dyeing and finishing facility. These include the installation of heat exchangers, optimization of the hot water network, a new climate control system, and steam network renovations. These initiatives are part of our evolving strategy to reduce our carbon footprint and enhance energy efficiency across our production facilities.

Our vision moving forward 

Alongside creating fabric innovations that deliver more safety and comfort to end users, our aim is to pioneer sustainability practices within the protective fabrics industry. This year’s report reflects where we are on this journey today. As we enter this next chapter of sustainability, we invite you to explore our report and join us on the path forward.


Download our 2023 GSR Report

Read more in our GSR report how we are committing to sustainability and social responsibility.

Download GSR report  

TOPICS: Sustainability , Inside our company , Durability