Let us know your fabric requirements by selecting one or multiple needs:
For wearers that work in environments with multiple risks. For example: a certain garment can meet the EN ISO 11612 standard (heat and flame-resistance) complemented by light welding (EN11611 – cl. 1) anti-static (1149), chemical splash (ISO13034) and high vis (EN20471). Multi-norm garments are typically used in environments with multiple risks as opposed to work environments where there is typically one extreme risk (such as the metal and steel industry).
Protects against molten iron splashes (norm: EN ISO 11612 – E index). These fabrics protect against the most severe risks that workers in the foundry business can encounter.
Protects against chemical splashes for professionals who work with chemicals. The protection is regulated in the norm EN 13034
Protective fabrics with anti-static (norm: EN 1149) prevent the garment’s ability to conduct electricity (created by friction or rubbing). Anti-static clothing is always worn in explosion-hazard environments.
No matter what industry you work in, we offer sustainable fabrics to suit your needs. Our Ecogreen portfolio offers high-quality protective workwear that is not only comfortable, but has the smallest environment footprint possible.
Protects against thermal hazards of an electric arc. A requirement for installation or maintenance work in industries like energy production or network and distribution. Protective fabrics for arc flash can be tested in two ways: the ‘open-arc’ method (norm: IEC 61482-1-1) and the ‘box test’ (norm: IEC 61482-1-2).
Protects against bad visibility in hazardous work environments with vehicle operation or mechanised equipment, fog/steam, dust/smoke, limited sightlines and more. Wearing high-visibility clothing (norm: EN ISO 20471) is a requirement in a large range of industries where it is crucial to easily notice workers in any light condition.
Protects against limited flame spread, exposure to radiant or convective or contact heat, or molten metal splashes. This norm is the basic Flame-Resistance (FR) norm you need for protective wear that can be worn in a wide range of end-uses.
For welding and allied processes that meet the norms EN ISO 11611 and/or EN ISO 11612.
For wearers who frequently work outdoors and in bad weather conditions (EN 343), such as pouring rain, frost and icy winds.
If you require fabrics for professional, non-FR workwear then discover our workwear portfolio. It includes durable and comfortable sustainable fabrics, polyester/cotton and cotton/polyester fabrics, special fabrics and 100% cotton fabrics.
G. van der Muelenweg 2
7443 RE Nijverdal
The Netherlands
T +31(0)548 633 922
© 2025 TenCate Protective Fabrics